Presentations (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
Items in this Collection
- 4Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of
- 4Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of/Presentations (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 1Sociology, Department of
- 1Sociology, Department of/Presentations (Sociology)
- 1PLACES Platform on Cities Engagement and Space
- 1PLACES Platform on Cities Engagement and Space/Working Papers
Desarrollo de calcretas en cavidades cársticas y/o de raíces: Las calcretes Cuaternarias de la Isla Gran Cayman (Calcrete development in root/karstic cavities: Quaternary calcretes from Grand Cayman)
Alonso Zarza, Ana M., Jones, Brian
The ruggest karst terrain that is developed on the dolostones of the Miocene Caayman Formation on Grand Cayman includes numerous large cavities that formed through the activity of tree roots. The surfaces of those cavities are coated with laminated calcrete crusts that are up to 8 cm thick. These...
The research project "Imagining Community Housing Futures" led by the academics-community partnership group Community Housing Canada explores housing imaginaries that have shaped our understanding of community housing and their implications for investment in the sector. The project website...
Logement social — Right to Housing A Sceptical Overview of Social Housing Research, Policy and Struggle in Montréal
Québec has a history of logement social or social housing. This is a first glance survey for anglophone readers of the French-language literature on community housing in Québec’s large cities, with a focus on Montréal.