Massive Auditory Lexical Decision (MALD) Database
The Massive Auditory Lexical Decision (MALD) database is an end-to-end, freely available auditory and production data set for speech and psycholinguistic research, providing time-aligned stimulus recordings for over 26,000 words and 9,500 pseudowords, and response data for auditory lexical decisions. The data set is meant to make it easy to explore, build and test theories, and compare a wide range of models.
Items in this Collection
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 18Tucker, Benjamin V.
- 4Benjamin V. Tucker
- 4Filip Nenadić
- 2Kelley, Matthew C.
- 2Louis ten Bosch
- 2Nenadić, Filip
Subject / Keyword
- 10Massive Auditory Lexical Decision
- 6spoken word recognition
- 3Spoken Word Recognition
- 3auditory lexical decision task
- 3computational model
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