Open Educational Resources (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)
Items in this Collection
Figures for Presentations from "Feasibility of two levels of protein intake in patients with colorectal cancer: findings from the Protein Recommendation to Increase Muscle (PRIMe) randomized controlled pilot trial"
Ford, K. L., Sawyer, M. B., Ghosh, S., Trottier, C. F., Disi, I. R., Easaw, J., Mulder, K., Koski, S., Porter Starr, K. N., Bales, C. W., Arends, J., Siervo, M., Deutz, N., Prado, C. M.
This file contains figures intended to supplement the following article:
Wilson, Hillary A., Armet, Anissa M., Prado, Carla M.
PESTA É A VERSÃO DIGITAL PARA DOWNLOAD GRATUITO DESTE LIVRO. UMA VERSÃO IMPRESSA PODE SER ADQUIRIDA NA AMAZON ( postado no dia 06/11/23). A nutrição é poderosa! Ela pode ser usada para ajudar as pessoas – incluindo aquelas com câncer – a viver mais e com...
Recetario de cocina alto en proteína para mejorar la salud muscular durante el tratamiento del cáncer
Wilson, Hillary A., Armet, Anissa M., Prado, Carla M.
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE FREE DIGITAL-DOWNLOAD VERSION OF THIS BOOK. A PRINTED VERSION MAY BE PURCHASED FROM AMAZON (URL in Canada as of 11/04/22: La nutrición es una herramienta poderosa que puede utilizarse para ayudar a las personas, con o sin cáncer, a...
Wilson, Hillary A., Armet, Anissa M., Prado, Carla M.
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE FREE DIGITAL-DOWNLOAD VERSION OF THIS BOOK. A PRINTED VERSION MAY BE PURCHASED FROM AMAZON.CA (URL as of 7/20/22: Nutrition is powerful! It can be used to help people—including those with...