Skip to Search Results- 7OSRIN
- 4Land Conservation and Reclamation Council
- 3Green, J. E.
- 3Welham, C.
- 2Forrest, D.
- 2Jones, R.K.
- 55Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
- 55Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of/Theses and Dissertations
- 43Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)
- 15Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/OSRIN Technical Reports
- 8Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Government of Alberta Reports
- 7Renewable Resources, Department of
Creating a Knowledge Platform for the Reclamation and Restoration Ecology Community: Expanding the OSRIN Model Beyond the Oil Sands
Oil Sands Research and Information Network, Alberta Centre for Reclamation and Restoration Ecology
One of the core mandates for the Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN) was to enhance access to oil sands environmental management information. With OSRIN’s mandate ending December 31, 2014 OSRIN sought a partner with a similar philosophy to provide an archive for the website...
Current Reclamation Approach at the Syncrude Oil Sands Plant. IN: Proceedings of the Conference Reclamation, A Global Perspective
Syncrude Canada Ltd. is an oil sands surface mining and process venture located at the Athabasca Oil Sands deposit in northeastern Alberta, Canada. An estimated 300 billion barrels of oil are considered recoverable from this deposit. The Alberta Government maintains that mined land be reclaimed...
Spring 2017
Achieving forest recovery on previously forested well sites in northern Alberta is an on-going challenge for the oil and gas industry. Thirty-three experimental oil sands exploration (OSE) sites were constructed and reclaimed between 2004 and 2006 in northeastern Alberta. Our goal was to...
Development Of Shrub And Lichen-Dominated Biocrust Propagation And Establishment Techniques For Reclamation In Northern Environments
DownloadSpring 2022
Resource exploration and extraction in the arctic causes long lasting disturbances as natural recovery is a long and slow process in the north. With three Canadian diamond mines expected to close in the next fifteen years, many hectares of land will require revegetating. Research conducted in the...
Spring 2014
Peat mineral soil mix has been the predominant cover soil used in Athabasca oil sands reclamation. Use of LFH mineral soil mix (forest litter layers and underlying mineral soil) has recently been mandated by regulatory approvals. Effectiveness of these cover soil types to provide diverse, native...
Early Stages Of Calcareous Soil Reclamation Along The TMX-Anchor Loop Pipeline In Jasper National Park
DownloadFall 2010
Research assessed early stages of calcareous soil reclamation along the TMX-Anchor Loop pipeline through Jasper National Park. Calcareous soils are low in nutrients and highly prone to erosion after disturbances. Four sites were established in each of five calcareous soils, and divided into three...
Fall 2016
Re-establishment of appropriate vegetation communities is an important aspect of successful forest reclamation as they contribute to various ecosystem functions. In my research I explore how different coversoil materials (salvaged forest floor (FFM) and peat material), their placement depths, and...
Effects of Biochar, Fertilizer and Shelter Treatments on the Vegetation Development following Coal Mine Reclamation
DownloadFall 2016
Poor quality cover soil, a lack of propagules, and availability of suitable microsites can be serious challenges in the re-vegetation success of surface mines. In my thesis research, I examined the response of total cover, species richness and community composition of colonizing vegetation on a...
Spring 2012
This study examined the potential of using conifer seedlings Picea glauca and Pinus banksiana inoculated with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi to improve revegetation success and plant establishment in reclaimed oil sands mining sites. Mycorrhizal inoculum potential of the reclamation soils was low...
Oil Sands Research and Information Network
The Equivalent Land Capability Workshop, held on November 26, 2010 at the University of Alberta, provided an opportunity for 60 reclamation specialists to share views about Equivalent Land Capability and how it is applied to oil sands mine reclamation, and to identify research and information...