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  • Fall 2021

    Young, Tayler A

    This study explores the relationship between online gender-based violence and symbolic annihilation. I ask the following questions: How extensively are Canadian cabinet ministers Catherine McKenna and Chrystia Freeland subjected to online gender-based violence on Twitter? What forms of online

    gender-based violence do the two women experience? And how does online gender-based violence on Twitter function as a form of symbolic annihilation? To answer these questions, I conducted a content and discourse analysis of the top 200 liked tweets sent to the two women in the thirteen days immediately

    capabilities, appearances, and agency. This research makes visible the far-reaching impact of online gender-based violence faced by prominent women, which is a growing problem around the world. It also offers a new conceptual approach through the lens of symbolic annihilation to construct a more holistic

  • Fall 2011

    Raphael, Daisy

    This study explores the relationship between masculinity and political leadership as it was constructed in political humour about the 2008 Canadian federal election. I used content and discourse analysis methods to examine gendered depictions of the two frontrunners in that election – Stéphane...

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