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  • Spring 2020

    Conlon, Olivia C.R.

    embedded in a social context. Objective: The primary objective was to examine gender differences in SC ability in children with ASD using narrative analysis. The secondary objective was to determine if the gender differences found in participants’ with ASD would also be found in matched typically

    as adding descriptive words or phrases, and sources of confusion for a listener, such as examples of incoherence. To examine if gender differences were present when the participants with ASD were 8-years-old, a series of independent samples t-tests was run with gender as the independent variable (IV

    ) and the subtest/index scores (ERRNI, DTA) as the dependent variables (DVs). The second study’s aim was to determine the stability and pattern of the gender differences over time. The same participants were re-examined two years later at age 10, using the same measures, and their performance compared

  • Spring 2019

    Hardy, Teresa

    Background: Voice and communication modification training is a critical aspect of the gender affirmation process for many transgender people. Incongruence between communication characteristics and gender positioning can be a cause of gender dysphoria and lead to misattribution or being outed as a

    transgender person, which can have significant negative social consequences (e.g., discrimination, physical harm). Consequently, identifying the characteristics of communication that contribute most to conveying one’s gender and masculinity-femininity is important for informing voice and communication

    modification training practices. Objective: The two main objectives of my doctoral research were to 1) Identify a set of communication-based predictors (i.e., acoustic and nonverbal communication measures) of subjective ratings related to gender attribution; and 2) Explore relationships between communication

  • Fall 2023

    Peters, Meaghan R

    Objective: People bind their chest to relieve gender dysphoria and most people that bind experience negative physical symptoms as a result. The purpose of the current research is to: 1) explore the incidence, overall impact, and level of concern of adverse symptoms related to chest binding, and 2

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