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  • 2016-02-23

    Morgan Wedderspoon

    From the Surface is an exhibition haunted by the presence of the global ecological crisis. As I implicate the viewer in a web of associations between word, image, and thing, I invite contemplation of our place in a changing world. I seek to unsettle the comfortable illusion that humanity is...

  • 2016-02-23

    Morgan Wedderspoon

    From the Surface is an exhibition haunted by the presence of the global ecological crisis. As I implicate the viewer in a web of associations between word, image, and thing, I invite contemplation of our place in a changing world. I seek to unsettle the comfortable illusion that humanity is...

  • 2016-01-19

    Kyle Terrence Appelt

    Pilgrimage: being in the End Times “The gap between phenomenon and thing yawns open, disturbing my sense of presence of being in the world” –Timothy Morton In 1784 a fine layer of carbon was deposited onto the Earth’s crust as a result of human coal-fired industries. Timothy Morton attributes...

  • 2016-01-19

    Kyle Terrence Appelt

    Pilgrimage: being in the End Times “The gap between phenomenon and thing yawns open, disturbing my sense of presence of being in the world” –Timothy Morton In 1784 a fine layer of carbon was deposited onto the Earth’s crust as a result of human coal-fired industries. Timothy Morton attributes...

  • 2016-12-08

    Megan Warkentin

    This body of work began initially with my interest in YouTube videos of people performing dangerous stunts and often hurting themselves in the process. Why would a person knowingly put their health and safety, or even their lives at risk without necessity and seemingly little to gain, and how do...

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