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  • 2018-06-01

    Kwon, Gloria

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing three reactive lymphocytes with slight basophilic skirting of the cytoplasm. A monocyte is also present containing vacuoles in the cytoplasm (50X oil immersion).

  • 2018-06-06

    To, Michelle

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing four heterogeneous reactive lymphocytes with prominent basophilic skirting of the cytoplasm (60X oil immersion).

  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing dark-blue staining artifact on top and outside of the red blood cells (100X oil immersion). A hypo-segmented neutrophil with mature clumped chromatin is also seen (left).

  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing dark-blue staining artifact on top and outside of the red blood cells (100X oil immersion). A hypo-segmented neutrophil with mature clumped chromatin is also seen (bottom).

  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing dark-blue staining artifact on top and outside of the red blood cells (100X oil immersion). Hypo-segmented neutrophils with mature clumped chromatin are also seen (bottom left).

  • 2018-06-01

    Kwon, Gloria

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing many neutrophils with toxic granulation and vacuolation (50X oil immersion).

  • 2018-06-01

    Kwon, Gloria

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing a neutrophil with toxic granulation and vacuolation (100X oil immersion). Erythrocytes contain Pappenheimer bodies and refractile artifact.

  • 2018-06-01

    Kwon, Gloria

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing toxic changes in two neutrophils (100X oil immersion).

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