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Fall 2014
Storm water ponds have been widely constructed over the past four decades as part of municipal storm water drainage systems. These ponds are designed to collect neighborhood storm water run-off to reduce flooding, but can also improve the quality of water discharged to surface water bodies by...
Resource recovery strategies for municipal water planning and management: a system dynamics modeling approach
DownloadFall 2023
The true value of water has not yet been captured in municipal water planning and management, despite the increasing availability of technologies designed to create value from wastewater. Adapting system processes for water reclamation, energy generation, and production of other outputs (such as...
Meeting the Water for Life challenge: Management scenarios to improve irrigation water use efficiency and reduce water demand in the Western Irrigation District, Alberta
DownloadFall 2012
Simulation of two alternative management scenarios - full rehabilitation and implementation of most efficient technologies, and water application restrictions - were investigated with the Irrigation Demand Model (IDM) as potential avenues to improve water use efficiency and reduce water demand in...
Integration of Subnational Endogenous Hydropower into the Global Change Analysis Model for Canada
DownloadFall 2023
Hydropower currently provides a small majority of all electricity generation in Canada. This gives the nation an early advantage for shifting toward lower-emission energy sources. Energy systems are changing rapidly to adjust to new realities regarding technologies, resource availability and...
A Systems Model for Short-Rotation Coppices: A Case Study of the Whitecourt, Alberta, Trial Site
DownloadFall 2014
Short-rotation coppice (SRC) plantations, including willow or poplar, are intended to be both environmentally friendly, permitting disposal of treated, nutrient-rich, domestic wastewater and biosolids, and economically viable, providing a sustainable source of wood fibre for biofuel and biochar...