Skip to Search Results- 44School of Library and Information Studies
- 13Digital Humanities
- 13Humanities Computing
- 2Department of Educational Policy Studies
- 1Department of Elementary Education
- 1Department of Human Ecology
- 2Stobbs, Robyn E.
- 1Babb, Maureen N
- 1Barnard, Sara H.
- 1Borynec, Anna
- 1Branch, Jennifer L
- 1Budac, Andrea
- 4Information behaviours
- 3Grounded theory
- 3Social media
- 2Communications
- 2Critical discourse analysis
- 2Facebook
Spring 2016
This study investigates the ways in which the aesthetics of design in multimedia informational materials influence young people’s perceptions of information credibility. The researcher conducted in-person interviews with 12 young people and three designers, regarding a selection of five materials...
Fall 2012
This study examines the reading practices of 14 young adults in relation to crossmedia fiction, stories that have been adapted across a variety of media formats. In-person interviews were conducted with the goal of exploring how these young people selected, approached, experienced and enjoyed a...
Fall 2021
Established in 2007 by the Organization for Transformative Works, the Archive of Our Own (AO3) is a fan fiction archive that hosts over three million fan works, consisting mostly of fan fiction. It has become an active hub of fan activity, making it an ideal object of study as a current...
Fall 2017
Academic social networking services (SNSs) such as or Academia.Edu have recently experienced a surge in popularity (Ortega, 2016). Existing research into academic SNSs have focused on population parameters and social networking usage patterns. Currently, no research has been...
We Were Here: a waypoint for library workers in a changing climate circa 2023 CE & 1.47 ± 0.09 °C above the preindustrial average
DownloadFall 2024
The contemporary practice of librarianship and the discipline of Library and Information Studies (LIS) have both begun to reckon with the threat that a changing climate poses to vocational and cultural continuity. The vocation’s subjects, culture and information, have already been transformed in...
Using Social Media for Health Information: How New Technologies are Being Used in HIV/AIDS Communication
DownloadSpring 2014
Social networking sites, mobile technologies and other information and communications technologies have become popular ways of connecting. The health information field is no exception; however, what are best practices and strategies to effectively use the affordances of these tools, and currently...
Fall 2020
In the months leading up to the 2016 election in the United States, YouTube’s recommendation algorithm decidedly favored pro-Trump videos, fake news and conspiracy theories. In this thesis, I question whether such bias is present in the context of the 2019 federal election in Canada. To do so, I...
Fall 2024
Through qualitative in-depth interviewing and inductive thematic analysis, this research seeks to amplify the experiences of a population in Library and Information Studies (LIS) that is often underrepresented: Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) who are in the Master of Library and...
The Shoemaker’s Son: A Substantive Theory of Social Media Use for Knowledge Sharing in Academic Libraries
DownloadSpring 2013
In the last decade social media have become integrated in the knowledge sharing practices of libraries. While an entire genre of literature is devoted to the use of social media for promotion (i.e., ‘Library 2.0’), little research has been done on the use of social media for organizational...
The Role of Social Media in the Facilitation of Complex Discourses Between Young Adult Author and Reader
DownloadFall 2016
This study examines the use of social media by Young Adult (YA) authors Scott Westerfeld and John Green and young adults to determine whether social media facilitates discourses of complex themes in YA literature. Related literature demonstrates the potential benefits of social media to help...