Skip to Search Results- 44School of Library and Information Studies
- 13Digital Humanities
- 13Humanities Computing
- 2Department of Educational Policy Studies
- 1Department of Elementary Education
- 1Department of Human Ecology
- 2Stobbs, Robyn E.
- 1Babb, Maureen N
- 1Barnard, Sara H.
- 1Borynec, Anna
- 1Branch, Jennifer L
- 1Budac, Andrea
- 4Information behaviours
- 3Grounded theory
- 3Social media
- 2Communications
- 2Critical discourse analysis
- 2Facebook
Spring 2017
This thesis explores the role of academic librarians as researchers, according to the perceptions of academic librarians themselves, as well as non-librarian faculty. Data collection included surveying 60 participants, including 30 librarians and 30 non-librarian faculty from six Canadian...
Spring 2020
My thesis examines how digital community heritage projects use care practices based in community participation and co-creation to build a care-based collection model. These grassroots initiatives aim to gather and document community history by engaging community members in the collection building...
(Im)Material Worlds: An Exploration of the Discursive Construction of the Materialities of Fictional Worlds through Information-in-Social-Practice
DownloadSpring 2023
The objective of this study is to explore how fictional worlds are constructed and engaged with in tabletop roleplaying games (TRPGs). The research is interdisciplinary in nature, situated in the fields of human ecology and library and information studies to study an everyday life leisure...