Skip to Search Results- 2Bottorff, J. L.
- 2Estabrooks, Carole Anne
- 2King, Kathryn Margaret.
- 2Kunyk, Diane
- 2Lemermeyer, Gillian
- 2Moore, Katherine N.
Self-Management Approaches and Life Space Mobility of South Asian Older Immigrant Women with Osteoarthritis in Edmonton, Canada
DownloadFall 2024
Background: South Asian (SA) older immigrant women in Canada, encounter distinctive challenges in self-managing chronic diseases like osteoarthritis (OA) and maintaining life-space mobility (LSM). Self-management is vital to dealing with chronic diseases because it enables individuals to actively...
Baccalaureate Nursing Education Related to Aging and the Care of Older People: A Scoping Review
DownloadFall 2024
Background: Although educators are working to improve gerontological content in baccalaureate nursing programs to keep pace with changing population demographics, it is unclear what types of education are occurring. The most recent scoping review conducted in 2015 by Koskinen et al. found that...
Fall 2023
In Canada, the adoption of Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) initiatives for adult patient populations across hospital care settings are thought to improve quality of care, safety, and cost effectiveness. However, PFCC strategies have been reported to be difficult to implement and sustain at...
Fall 2023
Thump Thump. Swoosh, swoosh. Kamlamunikk. Heart. Mi’kmaq teachings of heart are tied to concepts such as moontime, spirits, ancestors and blood knowledge. Being a Mi’kmaq woman from the west coast of Newfoundland with strong lifelong community connection I was aware that the understanding of...
A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of Transitions into and out of Alberta Correctional Facilities for People Living with HIV
DownloadSpring 2023
In this monograph-style thesis, experiences of transitions into and out of Alberta correctional facilities for people living with HIV were explored using narrative inquiry. The inquiry is informed by my experiences of working as a registered nurse within an Alberta correctional facility: the...
Factors that Influence Nurses’ Pain Management Practices in Hospitalized Older Persons Living with Dementia
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Aim: To assess factors influencing nurses’ beliefs and knowledge when assessing and managing pain in hospitalized older persons living with dementia (PLWD). Background: Hospitalized PLWD often experience unrelieved pain. Pain is common in PLWD, and undermanaged pain accelerates changes in...
Reunification Experiences and Health Needs of Mexican Women who Stayed Behind and their Returning Migrant Partners: An Intersectional Critical Ethnographic Study
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Return migration is a reality that many Mexican nationals face. Existing evidence suggests return migrants encounter multiple social, political, economic, and health challenges in their re-integration to home societies; however, less is known about the reunification experiences and health needs...
The Place in Which the Suffering of Living is: How Nurses Enact Compassion in Pediatric Intensive Care
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In pediatric intensive care units, nurses enact compassion as they enter in with patients and families to the place where the suffering of living is and take action to make that suffering even a little bit easier to bear. This study sought to answer the question: how do nurses enact compassion in...
Telling the untold stories: Disrupting racism in children’s mental health resources through the narratives of East Asian parents
DownloadFall 2023
Background: Evidence suggests that anti-Asian racism has a distinct impact on the mental health of East Asian children. There is a pressing need to develop child mental health resources for East Asian parents within the Canadian context. While health equity and anti-racism scholars across the...
Educational Needs for Hypertension Control among Adult Ghanaians Diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension
DownloadFall 2023
The prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension is often higher among people living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) than among those with hypertension alone. This doctoral mixed-method study was conducted to identify and describe the educational needs for hypertension control among adult Ghanaians...