Skip to Search Results- 2Hurabielle, Jacques Pierre Emile.
- 2Macris, Vicki
- 2McFadyen, Krista
- 2Pillay, Thashika
- 2Vergis, Elizabeth
- 1Abate, Tsion Demeke
Fall 2023
This study examined the experiences of identity development in urban Indigenous survivors of the Child Welfare System, the ways in which their Indigenous identity developed, and how they did/did not feel supported. In this study I interviewed three Indigenous women who were involved with the...
Black African Immigrant Graduate Students’ Identities and Education: The Influence of African Indigenous Knowledge within Canada’s Multiculturalism
DownloadFall 2023
This study explains the influence of African Indigenous Knowledge in the education and identities of Black African Immigrant students within Canada’s Multiculturalism. Black African immigrant student’s identities are formed and shaped by their Indigenous experiences, which influences their...
Internationalization Policies and In/equitable Experiences of African International Students in Canadian Post-secondary
DownloadFall 2023
This study critically interrogates the gaps between policy claims on equitable internationalization and the ground-level realities of Black African graduate international students in a Canadian Public University. The attraction and retention of international students is vital to Canada’s future...
Spring 2022
This qualitative study was designed to address gaps in understandings of how school principals experience self-efficacy as instructional leaders of literacy in a context of standardized performance expectations. Anchored in Bandura’s (1977; 1997; 2012) social cognitive theory of human agency, it...
Schooled by Scrolling the Trans Mountain Pipeline? Tracing (Anti)colonial Public Pedagogy on Instagram
DownloadFall 2022
In opposition to the Trans Mountain pipeline, overlapping networks of concerned citizens, Indigenous land protectors, and environmental activists have used Instagram to document pipeline construction, policing, and land degradation; teach using infographics; and express solidarity through artwork...
Towards Decolonizing and Indigenizing Teaching and Curricular Practices in Canadian Higher Education: A Narrative Inquiry into Settler Academics’ Experiences
DownloadFall 2022
For some moving toward reconciliation is controversial; for others acting on decades of talk about reconciliation is long over-due. Debates about Canada’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples have the potential to build or break apart Canada. Institutions of higher education in Canada have a...
The Canadian Contradiction: Perspectives of Multiculturalism, Immigration, and Discourses of Othering in Canada
DownloadFall 2022
Social learning and the construction of a shared culture and worldview are crucial aspects that shape people’s individual and collective identities, determine their sense of ‘belonging’ to society, and establish difference from others. While adult education can be a self-motivated and...
Student Generational Trends and Contrary Post-Secondary Policies: A Case Study of a Large Canadian University
DownloadFall 2022
The demographic of students accessing post-secondary education has changed significantly over time. As continues to be true over time, the average undergraduate student today is born of a different generation than those before it and therefore likely motivated by different things than those...
Fall 2022
This thesis examines the adoption of intersectional policy analysis within governments and governmental bodies in Canada, focusing on the years 2019-2020, to understand what led to the adoption of intersectional policy analysis frameworks and what these frameworks accomplish through governments...
Mapping the Experiences and Effects of Colonial Material Deprivation in First Nations Early Childhood Education
DownloadSpring 2022
Although considerable attention over the past 50 years has been paid to decolonizing First Nations primary and secondary education in Canada, a similar unsettling of colonialism within early childhood education theory, philosophy, and policy has not yet been undertaken. Indeed, and despite...