Skip to Search Results- 2Aubet, Natalie
- 2Beckers, Justin F.
- 2Buryak, Serhiy D.
- 2Castro de la Guardia, Laura
- 2Davies, Joshua
- 2Funk, Sean P
- 19Gingras, Murray (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 16Stachel, Thomas (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 14Alessi, Daniel (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 12Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 11Sharp, Martin (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 10Herd, Christopher (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
Characterizing the Impacts of Seismic Exploration Lines on the Hydrology and Vadose Zone for a Watershed in West-Central Alberta
DownloadFall 2023
Seismic lines are long linear cut lines through forests created for hydrocarbon exploration and comprise over 50 % of all linear disturbances in the Canadian Boreal Forest. They are known to impact local eco-hydrological conditions and show minimal regeneration back to pre-disturbance conditions....
Fall 2016
The Alaska Highway through Southwestern Yukon is located in the discontinuous permafrost zone with many areas of the highway corridor associated with degrading permafrost. Given the strategic value of the corridor, it is critical to have a clear understanding of permafrost characteristics and...
Characterizing an in-situ fraction of Photosynthetic Active Radiation product for implementation in the validation of MODIS-derived fraction of Photosynthetic Active Radiation products using continuous-wavelet transforms
DownloadSpring 2020
The goal of this thesis is to address the need to improve forestry monitoring and satellite validation techniques to better contextualize the effects that human-induced climate change is having on tropical dry forests (TDFs). Climate change is expected to change regional and global precipitation...
Characterization of the Geothermal Resource at Clarke Lake Field Northeast British Columbia
DownloadFall 2020
Clarke Lake is a depleted gas fi eld developed in carbonate platform deposits of the Slave Point Formation (Middle Devonian) in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. It displays anomalously high reservoir temperature and strong water drive, making it a candidate for repurposing as a source of...
Characterization of Reservoir Quality Using Ichnological, Sedimentological, and Geochemical Methods
DownloadFall 2013
A detailed analysis of subsurface reservoirs from offshore Norway and Alberta, Canada is undertaken in this thesis to better categorize the influence trace fossils have on reservoir quality. Specifically, the data collected focuses on understanding burrow fabrics in two- and three-dimensions (2D...
Characterization of natural fractures of the Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation in the Kaybob Area, Alberta
DownloadSpring 2024
The organic-rich mudstones of the Upper Devonian Duvernay Formation constitute an unconventional reservoir in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, developed for over a decade using hydraulic fracturing technology. Integrating natural fracture characterization with lithofacies analysis,...
Characterization of late-diagenetic calcites of the Devonian Southesk-Cairn Carbonate Complex (Alberta Basin): constraints from petrography, stable and radiogenic isotopes, fluid inclusion and organic matter maturity data
DownloadSpring 2010
The Alberta Basin has been the subject of various diagenetic studies but the precise understanding of the processes behind deep burial cementation remains unclear. This study investigates late-diagenetic calcites from the Devonian Southesk-Cairn Carbonate Complex with the purpose of constraining...
Characterization of Indicator Minerals and Till Geochemical Dispersal Patterns Associated with the Pine Point Pb-Zn Mississippi Valley-type Deposits, Northwest Territories, Canada
DownloadFall 2013
Surficial geological mapping of the Pine Point region records three, possibly four, directions of ice flow. Dispersal of metal-rich till was primarily to the north and west indicating that at least the oldest ice flow trajectory was in contact with mineralized bedrock. This metal-rich till...