An image from a fluid cytospin slide demonstrating a mott cell (center) with round globules beside a nucleated red blood cell (right). Many neutrophils and a couple of monocytes are also present (60X oil immersion).
An image from a bone marrow smear showing a basophilic normoblast (center-bottom) beside a small lymphocyte (center-top) seen in a patient with a normal bone marrow (100X oil immersion).
An image from a bone marrow smear showing a basophilic normoblast (center-right) with a round nucleus and basophilic cytoplasm and an orthochromic normoblast (center-left) seen in a patient with a normal bone marrow (100X oil immersion).
An image from a bone marrow smear showing a basophilic normoblast (center) with a very round nucleus and basophilic cytoplasm beside a metamyelocyte (right) seen in a patient with a normal bone marrow (100X oil immersion).