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  • Fall 2019

    Yuan Fang

    The genetic structure of Escherichia coli is diverse in virulence genes that are required for disease pathogenesis. Stress factors presented in nature, agricultural and food production shape the population structure and drive the acquisition of virulence and resistance genes. Shiga toxin...

  • 2016-02-23

    Morgan Wedderspoon

    From the Surface is an exhibition haunted by the presence of the global ecological crisis. As I implicate the viewer in a web of associations between word, image, and thing, I invite contemplation of our place in a changing world. I seek to unsettle the comfortable illusion that humanity is...

  • 2016-02-23

    Morgan Wedderspoon

    From the Surface is an exhibition haunted by the presence of the global ecological crisis. As I implicate the viewer in a web of associations between word, image, and thing, I invite contemplation of our place in a changing world. I seek to unsettle the comfortable illusion that humanity is...

  • Spring 2019

    Nguyen, Oanh T. H.

    During food processing, Escherichia coli are exposed to stress from oxidation, osmolarity and temperature, and have developed mechanisms to survive. A highly heat resistant strain of E. coli AW1.7 was isolated from a beef carcass after thermal processing and it has a genomic island called the...

  • 2016-01-19

    Kyle Terrence Appelt

    Pilgrimage: being in the End Times “The gap between phenomenon and thing yawns open, disturbing my sense of presence of being in the world” –Timothy Morton In 1784 a fine layer of carbon was deposited onto the Earth’s crust as a result of human coal-fired industries. Timothy Morton attributes...

  • 2016-01-19

    Kyle Terrence Appelt

    Pilgrimage: being in the End Times “The gap between phenomenon and thing yawns open, disturbing my sense of presence of being in the world” –Timothy Morton In 1784 a fine layer of carbon was deposited onto the Earth’s crust as a result of human coal-fired industries. Timothy Morton attributes...

  • Spring 2021

    Fellus, Saphire

    Evidence has been accumulating in recent years showing that social factors have a determining influence on the health of populations. Specifically, in the field of cardiovascular health research, a growing body of evidence has shown robust associations between the social determinants of health...

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