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Factors influencing size inequality in peatland black spruce and tamarack: Evidence from post-drainage release growth
1 We used tree ring analysis to determine stem radius and thus examine size variation over time in two even-aged (approximately 40-year-old) mixed populations of black spruce and tamarack established on peatlands in a boreal forest. We also followed the response of one of these populations to...
Impacts of climate change from 2000 to 2050 on wildfire activity and carbonaceous aerosol concentrations in the western United States
Mickley, L.J., Westerling, A.L., Logan, J.A., Hudman, R.C., Flannigan, M.D., Spracklen, D.V., Yevich, R.
We investigate the impact of climate change on wildfire activity and carbonaceous aerosol concentrations in the western United States. We regress observed area burned onto observed meteorological fields and fire indices from the Canadian Fire Weather Index system and find that May-October mean...
Todd, J.B., Bosch, E.M., Logan, K.A., Mason, J.A., Skinner, W.R., Hirsch, K.G., Martell, D.L., Wotton, B.M., Flannigan, M.D., Stocks, B.J., Amiro, B.D.
A Large Fire Database (LFDB), which includes information on fire location, start date, final size, cause, and suppression action, has been developed for all fires larger than 200 ha in area for Canada for the 1959-1997 period. The LFDB represents only 3.1% of the total number of Canadian fires...
Desai, A., Grant, R.F., Sulman, B.
Responses of wetland productivity to changes in water table depth (WTD) are controlled by complex interactions among several soil and plant processes, and hence are site-specific rather than general in nature. Hydrological controls on wetland productivity were studied by representing these...
Re-establishment of hummock topography promotes tree regeneration on highly disturbed moderate-rich fens
Re-establishment of hummock topography promotes tree regeneration on highly disturbed moderate-rich fens
Caners, Richard T., Lieffers, Victor J., Ge, Hangfei
Winter exploration of oil sands deposits underlying wooded fens mostly eliminates the hummock-hollow topography on drilling pads and the ice roads leading to them, after their abandonment in spring. Recovery of black spruce (Picea mariana (P. Mill.) B.S.P.) and tamarack (Larix laricina (Du Roi)...
The role of historical fire disturbance in the carbon dynamics of the pan-boreal region: A process-based analysis
Apps, M., Zhuang, Q., Burnside, T.J., Shvidenko, A., Flannigan, M., McAllister, J., Wirth, C., Clein, J.S., Balshi, M.S., Kurz, W.A., Kicklighter, D.W., Harden, J., McGuire, A.D., Kasischke, E., Melillo, J.
Wildfire is a common occurrence in ecosystems of northern high latitudes, and changes in the fire regime of this region have consequences for carbon feedbacks to the climate system. To improve our understanding of how wildfire influences carbon dynamics of this region, we used the process-based...
Harden, J.W., Payne, N., Friedli, H.R., Radke, L.F., Crock, J., Flannigan, M.D., Turetsky, M.R.
With climate change rapidly affecting northern forests and wetlands, mercury reserves once protected in cold, wet soils are being exposed to burning, likely triggering large releases of mercury to the atmosphere. We quantify organic soil mercury stocks and burn areas across western, boreal Canada...