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  • 2015-12-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    When it comes to textiles that can make a difference in people’s lives, fire retardant (FR) treated fabrics are certainly at the top of the list. That’s because, in many instances, these textiles can actually help prevent fires or protect people’s lives. “FR technologies and products are...

  • 2017-10-01

    Forrest, Fi

    You may think that comfortable seats and plush carpets make up the majority of textiles in your car, but actually many of the textiles used in modern vehicles are invisible—concealed away under the hood, or in the console panels, hidden in plain sight.

  • 2017-12-01

    Wojciechowska, Iza

    It’s not uncommon to grow out of a dress or a leather jacket over the years—but what about just plain growing those garments? Over the last few years, several companies have emerged that aim to upend the textile industry by growing leather and other fabrics from yeast cells, fungi, and fermented...

  • 2014-08-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    Awise person once said, “All good things must come to an end.” That could be either a happening party, a blissful vacation, a fantastic meal, or that favorite shirt you won’t stop wearing despite its many holes.

  • 2019-01-08

    John A. Nychka

    Visual depictions of the materials paradigm from different design perspectives. A graphic image of the double diamond design model process.

  • 2019-08-01

    Sherburne, Cary

    How effective is your color management strategy? For many in the textiles and apparel industry using conventional manufacturing processes, consistent color management is a given. In fact, in textiles, color accuracy is quite stringent. In the graphic arts, a Delta E of “one”—the point at which...

  • 2019-06-01

    Crawford, Craig

    Not since the 1970s introduction of the barcode-the universal language of retail-has the apparel industry undergone such a radical transformation. In the past 12 months, an important development-the upgrade of the world's barcode standard to give every product a web address in a standardized...

  • 2016-02-01

    Davies, Nicola

    In January 2015, the World Economic Forum announced that the water crisis is the number one global risk, according to its impact to society. It is said that future wars will be fought over this precious and diminishing resource. Accordingly, any effort to conserve water or to prevent its...

  • 2015-10-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    When considering the different types of natural raw materials used to make fibers for textiles, sources like the cotton plant, flax plant, silk worm, merino sheep, and even wood pulp typically come to mind. However, nowadays new fibers are emerging from unexpected raw materials as researchers and...

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