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Interim report on physiology and mechanisms of air-borne pollutant injury to vegetation, 1975 to 1978
Biochemical studies conducted under controlled conditions suggested that low concentrations of SO2 which normally do not produce any visual symptoms on the foliage cause injury to forest vegetation by altering pigment (chlorophyll, phaeophytin and chlorophyllide) metabolism, by inhibiting lipid...
Interim report on symptomology and threshold levels of air pollutant injury to vegetation, 1978-79
Malhotra, S. S., Addison, P. A.
The dominant woody boreal forest plant species were fumigated with 0.34 ppm SO2 under controlled conditions in the laboratory in order to rank their physiological and visual sensitivities to the air pollutant. Deciduous trees and shrubs were much more sensitive than conifers, presumably because...
Several important biochemical functions in an epiphytic lichen, EVernia mesomorpha, in response to controlled SO2 exposures were studied. Appreciable changes in these functions were observed even at a very low SO2 concentration (0.1 ppm), suggesting that epiphytic lichens are probably one of the...
Addison, P. A., Khan, A. A., Malhotra, S. S.
A number of coniferous and deciduous species that had been growing on the Suncor tailings sand dike for five to seven years were fumigated with 0.34 ppm SO2 under controlled environmental conditions. The results obtained were compared with those from similar fumigations of the same species grown...