Skip to Search Results- 5Dementia
- 2Canada
- 2Community-based services
- 2Gender
- 2Supportive home care
- 1Canadian Community Health Survey
Canadians with dementia: Gender differences in use and availability of home- and community-based health services.
Hawranik, P., Jansen, L., Kingston, D., Markle-Reid, M., Henderson, S., Peacock, P., Forbes, D., Morgan, D., Leipert, B.
The purpose was to examine the use and availability of home and communitybased services by men and women with dementia using data from the 2003 Canadian Community Health Survey.Variables of interest were based on the Andersen and Newman model and included predisposing, enabling, need, and use of...
Gender differences in use and availability of home and community-based services for people with dementia.
Henderson, S., Peacock, S., Kingston, D., Morgan, D., Leipert, B., Hawranik, P.
The purpose was to examine the use and availability of home and community-based services by men and women with dementia using data from the 2003 Canadian Community Health Survey. Variables of interest were based on the Andersen and Newman model and included predisposing, enabling, need, and use...
Knowledge exchange throughout the dementia care journey by Canadian rural community-based health care practitioners, persons with dementia, and their care partners: An interpretive descriptive study.
Forbes, D. A., Thiessen, E., Blake, C. M., Morgan, D. G., Markle-Reid, M., Gibson, M., Finkelstein, S.
INTRODUCTION: Accessing, assessing, exchanging, and applying dementia care information can be challenging in rural communities for healthcare practitioners (HCPs), persons with dementia (PWD), and their care partners. The overall purpose of this research was to enable HCPs, care partners, and PWD...