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SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: This mixed-method, qualitative critical policy analysis project builds on preliminary analysis of data from the Canadian Labour Force Survey, to explore in greater depth the phenomenon of under-employment of women in Canada, beginning with mothers of preschool children....
CRSH récompensé en 2020: Le projet a pour but de reconstituer pour la première fois et dans son entièreté la population francophone des Prairies à partir des microdonnées de recensements informatisés de 1901 et 1911 rendus accessibles grâce au projet interuniversitaire du Fonds d’innovation...
SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: The research seeks to disrupt settler, colonial, race-based understandings of the Métis-as-mixed and as victims of fragmented social geographies, by applying a place-based analysis of Métis peoplehood. Drawing on methods from Archaeology, History, Women's Studies, and...