Fraser, Marion
A peripheral blood smear demonstrating two blasts with indented nuclei, vacuoles and nucleoli.
A peripheral blood smear picture showing a blister cell (arrow).
A peripheral blood smear picture demonstrating a blister cell.
An image of a peripheral blood smear demonstrating a lymphocyte containing a single large granule in the cytoplasm seen in Chediak-Higashi syndrome
An image of a peripheral blood smear demonstrating a neutrophil with abnormally large fused granules seen in Chediak-Higashi syndrome.
An image of a peripheral blood smear demonstrating an eosinophi with large fused granules seen in Chediak-Higashi syndrome.
An image of a peripheral blood smear demonstrating two neutrophils with abnormally large fused granules seen in Chediak-Higashi syndrome.
A peripheral blood smear picture showing a marked lymphocytosis of small, mature lymphocytes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia under 50X magnification.