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Author / Creator / Contributor
- 16Edmonton Welfare Council
- 1Alberta Council for Crippled Children and Adults
- 1Calgary Social Planning Council
- 1Canadian Citizenship Branch
- 1Canadian Native Friendship Centre
- 1Division of Alcoholism, Department of Health
Subject / Keyword
- 15Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
- 5Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 2Needs assessment--Forecasting
- 1Alcoholics--Rehabilitation--Planning
- 1Alcoholism--Alternative treatment
- 1Canada, Alberta
- 16Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)
- 6Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/History and Roles of the Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Health (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Children, Youth and Family (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Seniors (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Non-Profit Sector (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
Item type
A study of collaborative effort between two formal organizations: an outline history of the collaborative effort between the Edmonton Welfare Council and the Urban Renewal Division of the City of Edmonton Planning Department
The following study attempts to highlight the collaborative efforts of two formal organizations to plan a co-operative program of study into the social-human problems of an evolving skid row area.
Background for planning: an examination of social factors related to Edmonton's community service needs [revised edition]
Background for Planning represents the first of a series of Edmonton Welfare Council research reports designed to call attention to facts and possible trends that have a bearing on the development of our community's health, welfare and leisure services. [revised edition]
1 - 10 of 16