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  • 2016-10-14

    Järvikivi, Juhani

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: In everyday conversation, we need to rapidly find referents for pronouns when we process language. This process is guided by what is said, but also by where and how it is said. How do children learn to understand pronouns in real time conversation? This project will...

  • 2017-02-01

    Li, Xiaoting

    SSHRC Awarded IDG 2017: If people learn to speak the same language, can broken communication be avoided? Both research and anecdotal evidence tell us “no”. In contrast to language differences, differences in speaking styles are far more difficult to detect. Although knowledge of different...

  • 2024-01-31

    Wilson, Sheena

    SSHRC CG awarded 2024: Prevailing extractive logics allow some people to dehumanize and exploit whole classes and nations in order to take control of their lands and extract value from it, polluting and destroying in the process. These logics need to be remade in order to address climate change....

  • 2012-10-12

    Arazy, Ofer, GAPSSHRC

    SSHRC IG awarded 2013: My primary objective is to use a grounded theory approach to understand the causal dynamics underlying IT-mediated collaboration, as evidenced in wikis and using system logs (which capture every single online activity) as data. Inspired by the Human Genome Project, that...

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