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SSHRC Awarded PG-Letter of Intent (stage 1) 2014 and invited to stage 2: Our central objective directly confronts the following question: Can urban agriculture make a substantial contribution to urban food security in a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable manner? What would an...
SSHRC Invited PG; not funded (2014): Can urban agriculture make a substantial contribution to urban food security in a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable manner? What would an agri-food system that enhances urban food security and ecological sustainability look like, and what...
SSHRC Awarded CG 2013: Le Québec, comme le Canada britannique, a une importante tradition d'intellectuels publics. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, au Québec, le plus important sans doute de ces intellectuels a été Gérard Bouchard. Que ce soit par ses travaux en histoire sociale,...
SSHRC Awarded IG 2018: Consumption (purchases) is considered one of the best metrics of individual and household well-being. Economists typically assume households elect to smooth their consumption, so as to insure against shocks such as disability or unemployment. The current state-of-the-art...
SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: This research-creation project asks “What is a contemporary landscape?” Building on cultural geographers' insights that the natural environment provides a setting for cultural processes and belief systems, we will explore the history of ideas and images in traditional...
SSHRC Awarded Invited PG (stage 2) 2014: We propose to engage Canadians in a discussion of race, place, and the law. Canada continues to bear the legacy of a past in which racism held sway. The importance of race in shaping the very spaces we inhabit is epitomized by the events of World War...
SSHRC Awarded CG 2015: "Memory Economies" will be a two-day symposium, hosted by the University of Alberta's Departments of English & Film Studies and Women's & Gender Studies on September 4-5, 2015. It is designed to contribute new concepts and theorizations to the multidisciplinary field of...
SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: The research seeks to disrupt settler, colonial, race-based understandings of the Métis-as-mixed and as victims of fragmented social geographies, by applying a place-based analysis of Métis peoplehood. Drawing on methods from Archaeology, History, Women's Studies, and...
Object Lives and Global Histories in Northern North America: Networks, Localities and Material Culture c. 1700s-2000s
Whitelaw, Anne, Lemire, Beverly
SSHRC Awarded PDG 2014: This project will establish a new partnership among selected university and museum institutions in Canada and England. Our aim is to illuminate, in new ways, the global circulation of material culture from and through northern North America - and the ways in which this...
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2012: This research project seeks to reconstruct the milieu of post-war film lecturing in Canada and U.S. by piecing together the careers of individual filmmakers, delving into the histories of exhibition sites and booking agencies while also probing the collections of museums,...