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A Whole-Genome Scan to Map Quantitative Trait Loci for Conformation and Functional Traits in Canadian Holstein Bulls
Grant, J. R., Moore, S. S., Xiu, Z., Murdoch, B. M., Kolbehdari, D., Stothard, P., Wang, Z., Prasad, A., Marques, E.
Genetic improvement of livestock populations can be achieved through detection and mapping of genetic markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL). With the completion of the bovine genome sequence assembly, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assays spanning the whole bovine genome and...
Plastow, G., Durunna, O. N., Stothard, P., Mujibi, F. D. N., Moore, S. S., Wang, Z., Basarab, J. A., Nkrumah, D. J., Crews Jr, D. H., Mah, J.
The benefit of using genomic breeding values (GEBV) in predicting ADG, DMI, and residual feed intake for an admixed population was investigated. Phenotypic data consisting of individual daily feed intake measurements for 721 beef cattle steers tested over 5 yr was available for analysis. The...
Construction of bovine whole-genome radiation hybrid and linkage maps using high-throughput genotyping
Williams, J. L., Moore, S. S., Wang, Z., McKay, S. D., Murdoch, B. M.
High-density whole-genome maps are essential for ordering genes or markers and aid in the assembly of genome sequence. To increase the density of markers on the bovine radiation hybrid map, and hence contribute to the assembly of the bovine genome sequence, an Illumina® BeadStation was used to...
Wang, Z., MacNeil, J. D., Stewart-Smith, J., Tang, G., Basarab, J. A., Moore, S. S., Plastow, G.
Crossbreeding is an effective method for improving the efficiency of production in commercial cow-calf operations. It exploits available heterosis (hybrid vigour) and complementarity between different breeds or populations (lines). Before adopting a crossbreeding system, commercial cattle...
Nalaila, S., Li, C., Moore, S. S., Stothard, P., Wang, Z.
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapped to large chromosomal regions have limited utility as DNA markers for marker-assisted selection (MAS) and are less informative as a reference for the identification of the underlying causative quantitative trait nucleotides (QTN). The objective of this study...