Skip to Search Results- 63Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 6Kolkman, John
- 5Community Trends Working Group
- 4Ahorro, Joseph
- 4Public Interest Alberta
- 3Edmonton Gleaners Association
- 41Canada, Alberta
- 26Poverty--Statistics
- 21Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
- 12Economic indicators
- 12Poverty
- 12Poverty--Prevention
- 64Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)
- 21Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Poverty and Social Assistance (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 14Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Children, Youth and Family (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 7Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Health (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 7Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Community Development and Planning (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 5Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Food Security (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
Government of Alberta Social Policy Framework public consultation focus group summary notes: Jasper Place Health and Wellness Centre
Edmonton Social Planning Council
This is a summary of a discussion between Edmonton Social Planning Council staff and clients from the Jasper Place Health and Wellness Centre. Clients spoke about what they would like to see in the Government of Alberta’s Social Policy Framework, their attitude towards current government programs...
Government of Alberta Social Policy Framework public consultation focus group summary notes: Project Adult Literacy Society (PALS)
Edmonton Social Planning Council
This is a summary of a discussion between Edmonton Social Planning Council staff and clients from the Project Adult Literacy Society (PALS). Clients spoke about what they would like to see in the Government of Alberta’s Social Policy Framework, their attitude towards current government programs...
Government of Alberta Social Policy Framework public consultation focus group summary notes: Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE)
Edmonton Social Planning Council
This is a summary of a discussion between Edmonton Social Planning Council staff and clients from the Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE). Clients spoke about what they would like to see in the Government of Alberta’s Social Policy Framework, their attitude towards current government...
Edmonton Social Planning Council
A brief presented to the Premier's Commission on Future Health Care for Albertans
Edmonton Social Planning Council, Inter-City Forum on Social Policy
The Government of Alberta suspended the Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP) as part of Budget 2013. In response, the InterCity Forum on Social Policy (ICFSP) administered a survey to gauge the impact that the elimination of STEP would have on organizations in municipalities across...
Co-published by the Edmonton Social Planning Council, the Alberta College of Social Workers and Public Interest Alberta, \"In This Together : Ending Poverty in Alberta\" identifies the need for a province-wide poverty reduction strategy in Alberta. It also discusses how the Government of Alberta...
Edmonton Social Planning Council
Includes sample issues of the Council's serial publications Alberta Facts and First Reading.