Skip to Search Results- 416Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)
- 104Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/History and Roles of the Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 68Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Children, Youth and Family (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 59Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Community Development and Planning (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 43Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Non-Profit Sector (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 42Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Poverty and Social Assistance (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 240Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 19Edmonton Council of Community Services
- 16Edmonton Welfare Council
- 15Council of Community Services of Edmonton and District
- 12Edmonton Council of Social Agencies
- 11Kolkman, John
- 298Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
- 101Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 72Canada, Alberta
- 33Poverty--Statistics
- 30Canada
- 22Needs assessment
Edmonton Social Planning Council
This guide was created to provide information about library collections of use to social researchers. Libraries and resource centres included in the Directory collect information about the individuals and groups that make up society, their welfare, and their interactions; provide public access...
The way we live: Edmonton's people plan. The quality of life needs & priorities of Edmontonians facing social & econonic barriers
Edmonton Social Planning Council
The Way We Live: Edmonton's People Plan was approved by City Council on July 7, 2010. This 10-year strategic plan redefines local government as a caring entity that creates a diverse and inclusive city by connecting people, creating communities where p
Kolkman, John, Ahorro, Joseph, Varlen, Kory
Developing a comprehensive strategy to reduce if not eliminate poverty in Alberta.
Edmonton Social Planning Council
The Edmonton Social Planning Council began publishing the Social Research Directory in the 1980s. This guide was created to provide information about library collections of use to social researchers. While the ESPC hoped to update the Directory biannually, publication halted in 1989. We believe...
Edmonton Social Planning Council, Ahorro, Joseph, Pinkoski, Jayda, Kolkman, John
The Edmonton Social Planning Council’s flagship publication Tracking the Trends contains the latest data of all the important social and economic trends affecting Edmonton. These trends are in the areas of education, employment, cost of living & housing, income, poverty, and government income...
A legacy of committment to community: the Edmonton Social Planning Council after fifty: 1990-2010: An addendum to Wealth of Voices written on the occasion of the Edmonton Social Planning Council’s 70 th Anniversary
Edmonton Social Planning Council
A Legacy of Commitment to Community serves as an addendum to Wealth of Voices, the book written by Marsha Mildon and published in 1990 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC). This historical overview is based on research from the ESPC archives, a...
Co-published by the Edmonton Social Planning Council, the Alberta College of Social Workers and Public Interest Alberta, \"In This Together : Ending Poverty in Alberta\" identifies the need for a province-wide poverty reduction strategy in Alberta. It also discusses how the Government of Alberta...