Skip to Search Results- 19McInnes, Mitchell
- 17Wood, Roderick J.
- 14O'Byrne, Shannon
- 9Bell, Catherine
- 9Billingsley, Barbara
- 9Harrington, Joanna
This article analyzes the role of freedom of choice in the Canadian law of unjust enrichment. Courts must balance the plaintiff's interest in recovering a benefit, with which she did not freely part, against the defendant's interest in controlling the allocation of resources in his possession....
Introduction: In Canada, the financial industry rests upon "four pillars."' These are the securities, insurance, trust, and banking sectors. The first three have been, historically, regulated at the provincial level under the rubric of "property and civil rights," while the fourth has been...
How should a sham be treated for tax purposes? In 1524994 Ontario Ltd. v. M.N.R., the Federal Court of Appeal treated a sham as if it reflected the true agreement between the parties in order to uphold a GST assessment. The result was inconsistent with existing jurisprudence and undesirable....
From Sherwood Forest to Saskatchewan: The role of the sheriff in a redesigned judgment enforcement system
The sheriff plays a central role in the judgment enforcement system of Saskatchewan and other provinces. The modem sheriff's office is the product of more than a thousand years of English and Canadian history and a century of unsystematic statutory tinkering with the enforcement writs. This...
Discusses the case 'Attorney General v. Blake,' where the Canadian House of Lords accepted the concept of gain-based relief for breach of contract. Calculation of contractual relief with reference either to what the plaintiff lost or what the defendant gained; Delineation of the relevant cause of...
Gender discrimination in the common law of domicile and the application of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
A married woman must take her husband's domicile at common law. This rule exists in five of Canada's provinces. It is argued that the rule violates the right to equality. It is further argued that, notwithstanding the Supreme Court's decision in Dolphin Delivery, the Charter must apply to common...
Good Faith in Contractual Performance: The Supreme Court’s Confusing Lesson in Wallace v. United Grain Growers Ltd
In Wallace v. United Grain Growers Ltd. l the Supreme Court of Canada was asked to remedy the alleged bad faith by an employer, both for the fact of dismissing the plaintiffand for its manner ofeffecting thedismissal . This marks the first time that Canada's highest court has had to decide...
Introduction: When asked by a teacher of law what must be done to inherit eternal life, Jesus responded with the parable of the Good Samaritan. A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving...
Introduction: Pornography is no longer \"sexy\" in the academy. Neither feminist nor other scholars show much interest in continuing to theorize the law's role in regulating the sexually explicit. Most of the familiar stakeholders in the debate - free speech liberals, radical feminists, lesbian...