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  • Spring 2016

    Fillmore, Natasha

    Heart failure is associated with major changes in cardiac energy metabolism that decrease cardiac efficiency, which can reduce cardiac function. In severe heart failure there is a shift back toward a fetal heart metabolism, with a decrease in mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and increase in...

  • Fall 2018

    Altamimi, Tariq Rushdi

    Energy substrate utilization in the heart is both altered by- and contributes to- the pathophysiology of heart disease. For example, there is an increased reliance on fatty acid oxidation for energy production in conditions such as diabetes, diabetic cardiomyopathy, and during reperfusion of...

  • Spring 2013

    Sidhu, Vaninder K.

    Ischemic heart disease and pulmonary arterial hypertension are often accompanied by a drastic change in myocardial energy metabolism that favors fatty acid oxidation and glycolysis, respectively, over glucose oxidation. This form of energy production is both inefficient and detrimental to the...

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