Skip to Search Results- 1Afshar, Shima
- 1Aghaie, Ermia
- 1Baker, Kathleen E.N.
- 1Brandon, Jordan T
- 1Brown, Daniel M.
- 1Chan, Judith S.
Spring 2016
Non-aqueous extraction technologies are currently being investigated as an alternative to the conventional water based process for extracting bitumen from oil sands. The reduced dependence on fresh water and land for creation of tailing ponds makes non-aqueous technologies a greener alternative....
Possible thunderstorm modifications caused by the Athabasca oil sands development and the Canadian Shield
DownloadFall 2017
Thunderstorms are common in boreal forest regions and can cause dangerous hazards such as lightning, forest fires, hail, wind, and flooding. Significant research has been conducted to help predict thunderstorms to mitigate or avoid the hazards and damage. The development of thunderstorms...
Reclamation of Unconventional Oil Processed Water through the Adsorption of Naphthenic Acids by Carbon Xerogel
DownloadFall 2017
This study examines the use of carbon xerogel (CX) material for the adsorption of naphthenic acids (NAs). The adsorption of NAs is crucial for the reclamation of unconventional oil processed water, more specifically Alberta’s oil sands process-affected water (OSPW). CX material is synthesized at...
Fall 2017
The present research was conducted with the intent of evaluating the degradation of OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) steel used in SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) applications, and developing a promising surface modification method and a novel composite coating using a technique that will...
Extraction of Hydrocarbons from Bitumen and Bitumen-containing Process and Process Waste Streams using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
DownloadSpring 2019
Extractions of hydrocarbons from bitumen and bitumen-containing process and process waste streams generated from surface mined oil sands were conducted using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2). Dynamic extractions were performed on a bench-scale batch supercritical fluid extraction (SFE)...
Estimation of the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Bitumen-Derived Petroleum Fuels using Enhanced Solvent Extraction Incorporating Electromagnetic Heating (ESEIEH) and Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI) Extraction Technologies
DownloadSpring 2019
There is increased focus on reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to reduce global warming. Combustion of fossil fuels are a key contributor to emissions of GHG. Alberta is the largest hydrocarbon base in North America due to its oil sands deposit. Bitumen from oil sands is refined to...
Protecting Worker Safety in Alberta by Enhancing Hazard Identification and Control for Hazards Associated with Tailings Facilities, Dams, and Systems
DownloadSpring 2019
My research was motivated by a fatality that occurred at an oil sands tailings operation on January 19, 2014, when a worker drowned in an underground cavern which formed under a leaking tailings transport system. At the time of the incident, the organization and workers did not know that ground...
Spring 2019
This thesis contributes to the development of chronological and geological frameworks for the archaeological record of the mineable oil sands regions in northeastern Alberta, Canada. This area contains a rich pre-European contact archaeological record that has largely been documented through...
An Examination of the Effect of Diluent on Microbial Dynamics in Oil Sands Tailings and the Mechanistic Insight on Carbon Dioxide-mediated Turbidity Reduction in Oil Sands Surface Water
DownloadFall 2019
Oil sands fluid fine tailings (FFT) are comprised of sand, silt, clay, residual organics, salt, trace metals and process-affected water (OSPW). In order to accommodate and remediate large amounts of FFT, a full-scale demonstration pit lake, where FFT was capped with a mixture of OSPW and fresh...
Spring 2019
This thesis aims to demonstrate the feasibility of using System Dynamics (SD) techniques to develop a transparent, open-source and reproducible model capable of simulating long-term soil water dynamics in a tailings-cap system subject to upward flux from a consolidating tailings substrate. The...