Skip to Search Results- 471Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)
- 220Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/AOSERP Reports
- 83Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Government of Alberta Reports
- 72Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/OSRIN Technical Reports
- 61Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Syncrude Canada Ltd. Reports
- 21Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/RRTAC Reports
Eaton, B.R., Fisher, J.T., McKenna, G.T., Pollard, J.
Oil sands companies are required to reclaim the land that has been disturbed during their operations to self-sustaining, locally common boreal forest. An important facet of the reclaimed landscape is support of locally-relevant wildlife communities. Wildlife communities are an important part of...
An ecophysiological investigation of the jackpine woodland with reference to revegetation of mined sands
This project was conceived as a multidisciplinary integrated study to determine the physiological limits of native and non-native species to dry, nutrient-poor environmental conditions on a steep-sided sand dike and on sand piles. Only when the limits of survival are known for native and...
An environmental study of the Athabasca tar sands: Report and recommendations to Alberta Department of the Environment
Intercontinental Engineering of Alberta Ltd.
The following was the general concept of the work for which the Study was commissioned: • Identify the various methods that could be used for oil extraction and their comparative merits with respect to minimum adverse effects on the environment. • In considering the Clark method of tar sands...
Intercontinental Engineering of Alberta Ltd.
A collection of working papers that helped inform the final report and recommendations, including: • Recommended Models for Calculating Diffusion From Point Sources With Applications to the Athabasca Bituminous Sands Area Western Research & Development Ltd • Meteorological Aspects of the...
The purpose of this study is to assess, on the basis of existing knowledge, the extent and significance of social deviance in the communities of the Athabasca Oil Sands region. Three main sources of information are considered: literature on social deviance in resource communities; existing data...
The study of the fish fauna in the Muskeg River commenced in 1976 with the general objective of describing the baseline states of this resource in the watershed and providing a quantitative estimate of the significance of the Muskeg River to the fisheries of the Athabasca River system. The work...
An intensive study of the fish fauna of the Steepbank River watershed of northeastern Alberta
A study of the fish fauna of the Steepbank River was conducted during the open water period, 1977. Utilization of the Steepbank system by migrant fish from the Athabasca River was assessed by means of a two-way counting fence. Fish movements were monitored from 25 April to 29 May, and from 12...
Seasonal and areal variations in significant water quality parameters in the Muskeg River basin of northeastern Alberta are described. Specific conductances and the concentrations of major ions (Ca+2, Mg+2, HCO3 -, and, to some extent, Na+ and Cl-) generally exhibited relatively stable seasonal...
Hilchie, G. J., Ealey, D. M., Hannon, S.
A review of the available literature was conducted on obligatory insectivorous animals expected or known to occur in the Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program study area. Several biologists involved in studies of the area were contacted. Distribution, abundance in the AOSERP study...