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  • 2015-10-15

    Schmitter, Amy

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: My research is directed at clarifying the familiar, but poorly understood notions of passion, power and representation. These concepts play distinct roles in diverse branches of philosophy, but they intersect naturally in several places, and examined together, they may...

  • 2016-10-14

    Cadenillas, Abel

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: The 2007-2009 financial crises, government debt crises in USA and EU have motivated investigation into the following six topics: 1) optimal investment, liability ratio and dividend policies when the external risk is negatively correlated with returns in the financial...

  • 2012-10-11

    Smith-Prei, Carrie

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2013: Our project examines the reconfiguration of feminist activism in and for the 21st century through digital technologies. We do so in a case study of German "popfeminist" protest and performance art culture. The objective is to interrogate how the "Do it Yourself" (DIY)...

  • 2017-10-14

    Koslicki, Kathrin

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2018: Essences have traditionally been assigned important but controversial explanatory roles in philosophical, scientific and social theorizing. For example, why is it possible for one and the same organism to be first a caterpillar and then a butterfly? Why is it impossible for...

  • 09/17/2021

    Alakas, Brandon C

    SSHRC IG awarded 2022: Richard Whitford was the most important English monastic author of the late Middle Ages as he distinguished himself by writing and translating a series of devotional texts aimed at both women religious and a lay public. The project will illustrate the importance of eight of...

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