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  • Spring 2015

    MacQueen, Jessica L

    This thesis explores the post-environmentalist network of writers, artists, and thinkers known as The Dark Mountain Project. It does so by examining Dark Mountain as a literary and cultural phenomenon that has generated a burgeoning literary community and subculture of uncivilisation in response...

  • 2016-02-23

    Morgan Wedderspoon

    From the Surface is an exhibition haunted by the presence of the global ecological crisis. As I implicate the viewer in a web of associations between word, image, and thing, I invite contemplation of our place in a changing world. I seek to unsettle the comfortable illusion that humanity is...

  • 2016-02-23

    Morgan Wedderspoon

    From the Surface is an exhibition haunted by the presence of the global ecological crisis. As I implicate the viewer in a web of associations between word, image, and thing, I invite contemplation of our place in a changing world. I seek to unsettle the comfortable illusion that humanity is...

  • 2016-01-19

    Kyle Terrence Appelt

    Pilgrimage: being in the End Times “The gap between phenomenon and thing yawns open, disturbing my sense of presence of being in the world” –Timothy Morton In 1784 a fine layer of carbon was deposited onto the Earth’s crust as a result of human coal-fired industries. Timothy Morton attributes...

  • 2016-06-14

    Jonathan S. Green

    My current research is focused on the history of camping and wilderness survival. Specifically, I am exploring how our ideas about the landscape are constructed, and what it means when we interact with the wild by engaging in activities like camping. My recent mixed-media prints combine my own...

  • 2016-01-19

    Kyle Terrence Appelt

    Pilgrimage: being in the End Times “The gap between phenomenon and thing yawns open, disturbing my sense of presence of being in the world” –Timothy Morton In 1784 a fine layer of carbon was deposited onto the Earth’s crust as a result of human coal-fired industries. Timothy Morton attributes...

  • Fall 2016

    Ren, Joseph

    The Anthropocene, the idea that modern humans have the capability to change the environment on geological scales, has grown to prominence as a fashionable method of framing human-driven climate change. Popular across academic disciplines, the Anthropocene has also inspired debates within the...

  • 2018-02-01

    Thomas, Jesse

    SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: This research-creation project asks “What is a contemporary landscape?” Building on cultural geographers' insights that the natural environment provides a setting for cultural processes and belief systems, we will explore the history of ideas and images in traditional...

  • 2018-01-01

    Jorgensen Skakum, Danika V

    The Death Positivity Movement is a relatively new group of advocates who argue for greater death acceptance in Western society. This thesis explores how the Death Positivity Movement might help humans respond justly to mass death in the Anthropocene, when gross ecological change threatens human...

  • Spring 2018

    Jorgensen Skakum, Danika V

    The Death Positivity Movement is a relatively new group of advocates who argue for greater death acceptance in Western society. This thesis explores how the Death Positivity Movement might help humans respond justly to mass death in the Anthropocene, when gross ecological change threatens human...

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