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  • 2014-02-18

    Fraser, Marion

    A peripheral blood smear picture showing sickle cells in sickle cell disease

  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing sickle cells, target cells and polychromasia seen in sickle cell anemia (50X oil immersion). A small lymphocyte is also present.

  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing sickle cells, target cells and polychromasia seen in a patient with sickle cell anemia (100X oil immersion).

  • 2018-05-22

    Kwon, Gloria

    An image from a peripheral blood smear demonstrating marked spherocytosis and polychromasia in hereditary spherocytosis (50X oil immersion). A nucleated red blood cell (center) and normal leukocytes can also be seen.

  • 2018-05-22

    Kwon, Gloria

    An image from a peripheral blood smear demonstrating marked spherocytosis and polychromasia in hereditary spherocytosis (50X oil immersion). A nucleated red blood cell (center) and normal leukocytes can also be seen.

  • 2018-06-28

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing target cells (100X oil immersion). Bite cells, schistocytes, and tears are also present.

  • 2018-05-22

    Kwon, Gloria

    An image from a peripheral blood smear demonstrating hypochromic, microcytic red blood cells and poikilocytosis commonly seen in a patient with thalassemia (50X oil immersion).

  • 2018-06-05

    To, Michelle, Kwon, Gloria

    An image from a peripheral blood smear showing targets, schistocytes, tears, spherocytes, microcytes, and hypochromic red blood cells seen in a patient with thalassemia (50X oil immersion).

  • 2014-02-18

    Fraser, Marion

    A peripheral blood smear picture showing microcytic hypochromic red blood cells in thalassemia under 40X magnification (large lymphocyte in the top right).

  • 2014-02-18

    Fraser, Marion

    A peripheral blood smear picture showing microcytic hypochromic red blood cells in thalassemia under 40X magnification (large lymphocyte out of focus).

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