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  • 2019-01-01

    Marriott, Brian

    Much of science is hidden. Either conducted behind closed doors, or obfuscated by papers unreadable to even members of the same discipline, stories of science are seldom heard. The left portion of the image represents this – an image of a fixed mouse brain, which had been injected with 2 viruses...

  • 2020-01-01

    Marriott, Brian

    How do we determine if something is life-threatening, or life-saving? An innocuous walk in a field for one person may elicit highly anxious feelings in another individual. The sensory information is identical, but how it is perceived by the brain is dramatically different. This can in part be...

  • 2021-01-01

    Marriott, Brian

    Slice to D4. One after the other, the wells of the plate in front of me are methodically filled with brain slices, precisely cut by a vibrating blade. Each one thinner than a human hair, I delicately transfer each slice as they are cut to a collecting dish with a paintbrush. This self portrait...

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