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SSHRC Awarded PDG 2020: Impact assessments (IA) are a crucial tool in the management of disruptions to our climate, ecosystems and communities generated by economic development. Given the growing concerns about the sustainability of socio-ecological systems in Canada and globally, IAs are rightly...
SSHRC IDG Awarded 2018: The proposed research focuses on suicide terrorism. It investigates operatives or captives of Boko Haram (Nigeria) who deliberately refused to detonate their suicide vests. Scholars have overwhelmingly focused on "successful" suicide terrorism with much attention on the...
SSHRC Awarded PG-Letter of Intent (stage 1) 2014 and invited to stage 2: Our central objective directly confronts the following question: Can urban agriculture make a substantial contribution to urban food security in a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable manner? What would an...
SSHRC Invited PG; not funded (2014): Can urban agriculture make a substantial contribution to urban food security in a culturally appropriate and ecologically sustainable manner? What would an agri-food system that enhances urban food security and ecological sustainability look like, and what...
NFRF-I awarded 2024: This project focuses on enhancing energy transition planning, recognizing that such plans must: integrate mitigation and adaptation; embrace a justice framework; and be socio culturally embedded within local geographies. This demands direct engagement with the diverse peoples...
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2018: Canadian English is vastly understudied. This is particularly true regarding the melody and rhythm of Canadian speech (prosody/intonation). Prosody features as key in most theoretical and applied research that involves spoken language, but in Canadian English, these...