
The Effect of Static versus Animated Story Stimuli on Children’s Ability to tell Stories

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  • Storytelling tasks are commonly used to assess language in a functional context. However, the quality of children's stories can vary depending on how stories are elicited. Research (Pearce, 2003; Schneider & Dubé, 2005) has shown differences in children’s narratives when retelling stories from oral and picture stimuli. We examined an additional type of story elicitation method: animated stimuli. The purpose of our study was to determine whether 4- and 5-year-old children provide more story grammar information with an animated version of the story than with a static version. Each child told a story from animated and static stimuli. The stories were then scored for amount of story grammar information and scores were compared from the two conditions. The results from the study demonstrated that the number of story grammar units included in children’s narratives when presented with an animated stimulus did not differ from the number of SG units included when presented with a static stimulus. Therefore, when choosing presentation formats of narratives for teaching, assessment, and treatment purposes for this age group, a static presentation of a narrative appears to be just as effective as an animated presentation.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International