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Case Study of an Individual Who Uses Augmentative and Alternative Communication

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  • Speech generating communication devices (SGCD) are speech aids that help individuals who have severe speech impairments meet the needs of daily communication. They are commonly used by individuals who have congenital, developmental or acquired disabilities in which their ability to speak has been hampered. The acquisition of a new SGCD often has a profound impact on the individual, the families, and those in their surroundings. The participant was recruited through the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital I CAN Centre for Assistive Technology and the Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) program. In this study, a person who uses a SGCD, her family, and supporting individuals were interviewed and observed to determine the impact of SGCD acquisition. The observations and interviews were transcribed and analyzed for pertinent themes. It was found that although the device had drawbacks, overall the benefits of the device were life changing for the individual and those around her. Personal Factors and strategies for using the device also impacted how well the device was used and perceived by others.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International