Screencasting as a Medium for Communicating Students' Understandings in the High School Mathematics Classroom

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • When students are encouraged to reflect on their learning, communicate their reasoning and understandings, and develop their technical vocabulary, many opportunities for feedback and growth arise.  Research examining journal writing in the mathematics classroom has supported the notion that reflective writing can help develop students’ ability to communicate mathematically and to consolidate their learning.  This research has been concentrated on written responses that are primarily intended for the teacher, who acts as the assessor of the work (be it formative or summative).  While these responses do allow the teacher to see more of a student’s thinking process, there could be opportunity for this exposition of thought to be improved by allowing the teacher see the process more dynamically while also hearing it recounted by the student. The purpose of this qualitative study is to evaluate the opportunities and challenges brought about by student authored screencasts in the high school mathematics classroom. Three students’ solutions to a small set of mathematical problems are shared with two high school teachers through the media of paper and pencil as well as screencasts showing the solution process accompanied by narration. Responses from interviews with these five participants are then analyzed through interpretive inquiry in hopes of making some form of recommendation regarding the value and applications of screencasting in the high school mathematics classroom. This study suggests that student authored screencasts could provide better opportunities to analyze students’ misunderstandings and could allow for more informed and detailed formative feedback leading to improved student achievement.

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  • Type of Item
    Learning Object
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  • License
    Attribution 3.0 International