A Horse Named Shabrang: Synthesizing Theory and Practice to Develop a Methodology for a Ritualistic Performance
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
A Horse Named Shabrang was my project-based final thesis for the MFA in Theatre Practice (see: https://ualberta.aviaryplatform.com/r/599z030m4d). Staged in the style of a live dance-theatre, this project synthesized theory and practice to develop a methodology for creating ritualistic performances. By critically engaging with ritual studies, performance studies, and related disciplines, the thesis explored and responded to these fields by offering a creative approach to ritualistic performance. Through this exploration, the project sought to bridge academic inquiry and artistic expression, contributing to contemporary theatre practice.
I directed and performed in the piece under the supervision of Prof. Lin Snelling and Dr. Stefano Muneroni, faculty members of the Drama Department at the University of Alberta. The performance took place in the Corner Stage located in the Fine Arts Building of the university, May 2-4, 2024, from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. The committee members who viewed the piece were Dr. Piet Defraeye from the Drama Department and Dr. Michael Frishkopf from the Music Department. Homeyra Esmaeilzadeh and Zhuohao Li were the other two performers, and Michael Reinhart was the composer/musician of the piece.
This thesis, which is a companion to the performance, consists of seven chapters and an appendix. The first chapter is the introduction of the piece which provides the basic information of the performance, including its score and a brief description of my academic journey. The second chapter reviews the critical literature about rituals and ritualistic practices and posits the methodology which I used to stage the piece. The third chapter focuses on some dramaturgical subjects related to the performance, including score making, adaptation, interculturality, curation and audience engagement. The fourth chapter sheds light on the decisions I had to make as the director of the piece. The fifth and sixth chapters focus on specific subjects of the piece which were essential to me and that I intend to explore further in my future artistic practice, specifically the notion of character development and transformation in the piece. The seventh chapter provides some final thoughts and reflections on the whole process of creating my thesis show. The appendix is a description of the workshops which I held to examine crucial aspects of the project before the rehearsals. -
- Date created
- 2024-01-01
- Subjects / Keywords
- Type of Item
- Research Material