
The personal mythology of Peter III Feodorovich as deployed in Russian panegyrics of 1742, 1743, and 1762

  • Личная мифология Петра III Феодоровича в русских панегириках 1742, 1743 и 1762 гг.

  • Author / Creator
    Kutuzov, Maria
  • This dissertation examines the process of creation and evolution of
    the personal mythology of the 7th Russian Emperor Peter III. It
    explores the phenomenon of personal mythology as a system of
    representation of the monarch’s identity, which was, on the one hand,
    clearly displayed and, on the other hand, actively developed in XVIII
    century literary texts. The main aim of the thesis is to reconstruct
    the metaphorical and narrative core of Peter’s III personal mythology
    as it was both expressed and created in Russian panegyrics of the
    The first chapter consists of 3 sections and provides a survey of two
    solemn odes by M. Lomonosov (an ode on Peter’s arrival to
    Sankt-Petersburg, 1742, and an ode on his name day, 1743), and a
    sermon of Simon Todorskiy dedicated to Peter’s 15th birthday. Analysis
    of these panegyrics forms the basis for understanding key elements in
    Peter’s personal mythology as it was formed and elaborated during the
    first years of his life in Russia. The second chapter consists of 4
    sections and includes analysis of the solemn odes by M. Lomonosov, A.
    Sumarokov, M. Kheraskov and I. Bogdanovich written in 1762, soon after
    the new monarch’s accession to the throne. Findings derived from the
    close reading of these panegyrics indicate that the main discourse
    models used to organize Peter’s personal mythology in 1762, in many
    respects, coincided with, but in some key elements varied
    significantly from, the corresponding rhetorical tools implemented in
    the first stage of its evolution.
    The thesis concludes with a discussion of the question why the process
    of the creation of an effective personal mythology for Peter III
    failed. I argue that the key elements of the personal mythology
    proposed to Peter III by Russian authors in 1742, 1743 and 1762 were
    borrowed from the personal mythology of his grandfather Peter I (also
    known as Peter the Great). I suggest that the deep inconsistency of
    these rhetorical models with the biographical circumstances and hybrid
    identity of Peter III led to a systematic failure in the process of
    legitimization and popularization of the image of the monarch.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Spring 2013
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.
  • Language
  • Institution
    University of Alberta
  • Department
  • Specialization
    • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Supervisor / co-supervisor and their department(s)
  • Examining committee members and their departments
    • Rolland, Peter (Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies)
    • Schonle, Andreas (Queen Mary, University of London, School of Languages, Linguistics and Film)
    • Sywenky, Irene (Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies)
    • Pylypiuk, Natalia (Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies)
    • Coleman, Heather (Department of History and Classics)