
Learning About Music Research Data Management Through Writing: Lessons from a Book Project

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • Presentation at the 2019 Music Library Association Conference, St. Louis, MO as part of a panel on music research data management. Panel abstract provided below: What is “research data” for music researchers and performers? How can music librarians develop their knowledge and skills to better meet the research data needs of their constituents, and contribute to the data-intensive turn in academia? This panel will explore the research data movement in libraries and its relevance to music librarians. Panelists will examine the diversity of music research from a data-oriented perspective, and provide examples of these data as drawn from case studies of various music research projects. We will discuss who creates the data, and how it is used, reused, shared, and discovered, as well as the types of music data appropriate for deposit in an institutional repository. Examples of topics covered will include personal archiving, institutional repository guidelines for data, ethical and intellectual property rights considerations, and the role of research data in music digital humanities projects. Attendees will gain an understanding of how music librarians can participate in research data services at their institutions, as well an understanding of the expertise they can contribute to data-related conversations.

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  • Type of Item
    Conference/Workshop Presentation
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International