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Effects of Moderate Cycling Exercise on Blood Glucose Regulation Following Successful Clinical Islet Transplantation

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • Context: Islet transplantation is effective in preventing hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, it is unknown whether transplanted islets regulate plasma glucose concentrations appropriately during and after exercise in human islet transplant recipient (ITxs).
    Objective: To determine the effect of exercise on plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon concentrations in ITxs compared with control subjects (CONs) without diabetes.
    Intervention: Participants completed two conditions in random order: 45 minutes of aerobic exercise (60% VO2peak) and 45 minutes of seated rest. Blood samples were drawn at baseline, immediately after exercise or rest, and every 15 minutes throughout a 60-minute recovery period. Postexercise (24 hours) interstitial glucose was monitored with continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).
    Results: Twenty-four participants (12 ITxs, 12 CONs) completed the protocol. Plasma glucose decreased more over time with exercise in ITxs compared with CONs [main effects of treatment (P = 0.019), time (P = 0.001), and group (P = 0.012)]. Plasma glucose was lower during exercise vs rest in ITxs but not CONs [treatment by group interaction (P = 0.028)]. Plasma glucose decreased more during exercise than during rest [treatment by time interaction (P = 0.001)]. One ITx and one CON experienced plasma glucose concentrations <3.5 mmol/L at the end of exercise, both of whom returned above that threshold within 15 minutes. Nocturnal CGM glucose <3.5 mmol/L was detected in two CONs but no ITxs.
    Conclusion: Despite a greater plasma glucose decline during exercise in ITxs, hypoglycemia risk was similar during and after exercise in ITxs compared with CONs.

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  • Type of Item
    Article (Draft / Submitted)
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    Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International