
An Adaptive Approach to Query Mediation across Hetergeneous Information Sources

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  • Technical report TR96-10. We propose a query mediation framework to support customizable information gathering across heterogeneous and autonomous information sources. Instead of an integrated (and static) global schema, we propose an adaptive approach to interoperability which allows information consumers to represent their queries based on the customized personal view rather than a system-defined integrated view. The emphasis is more on coordination among information producers and information consumers rather than on pre-defined information integration. We describe how the information consumers are connected with information producers and how the information consumers' query requests are dynamically processed. The query mediation framework consists of five steps: query routing, query decomposition, parallel access plan generation, subquery translation and execution, and query result assembly. Concrete examples illustrate the challenges arising from heterogeneity in these five steps and how the framework scales up as the number of information sources grow and evolve. | TRID-ID TR96-10

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    Attribution 3.0 International