
Identification of risk factors for developmental stuttering

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  • Previous studies on risk factors for developmental stuttering have looked at the correlation between stuttering and a wide variety of factors. External factors such as socio-economic status, cultural factors, and expectations placed on children have all been considered. Internal factors such as mood and temperament have also been examined. Past studies have provided mixed or contradictory results. More research is needed to determine factors that increase the risk for developmental stuttering.  
    The purpose of the current study is to establish the rationale for the creation and distribution of a short questionnaire to further explore risk factors for developmental stuttering. A short questionnaire will be distributed to the parents of a group of 1000 children available through the Edmonton cohort of the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study. The CHILD Study is a Canadian longitudinal birth cohort study interested in the effects of environmental and genetic factors on development. The questionnaire will ask parents if their child has ever showed repetitions, lengthening or hesitations in their speech, indicating that the child is currently or has previously experienced developmental stuttering. Results will be compared to existing data in the Edmonton cohort of the CHILD study to examine any possible predictors of developmental stuttering.
    The Edmonton cohort of the CHILD study provides a unique and expansive database to use in analyses. We anticipate the richness of the information in the CHILD database will allow for an in-depth analysis on possible predictive factors for developmental stuttering. In addition, we hope that the results of the questionnaire will add to the prevalence literature on developmental stuttering.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International