
Theoretical Considerations For Biological Control: A Case Study with Scentless Chamomile

  • Author / Creator
    Tomas de-Camino-Beck
  • The introduction of invasive species is a significant driving force of global change.
    Weed scientists, resource managers, conservation and restoration biologists have
    focused their attention on the control of invasive species trying to understand,
    mitigate and prevent impacts of biological invasions. Biological control, the control of
    invading organisms by means of their natural enemy, is one way to prevent impacts of
    biological invasions. Mathematical models are a useful tool for the design of biological
    control strategies. These models allow for the analysis of population growth and
    spread, and for determination of aspects of the life cycle of the organisms which can
    be manipulated to control populations. In this dissertation I use matrix models to
    study the life history of invading organisms. First, a new method for the calculation of
    an analytical net reproductive rate formula is derived. I show with examples how this
    formula can be applied to study the control of invading organisms, particularly weeds.
    I extend these results, to calculate a mean and variance of the generation time. Later
    in the thesis, I use coupled map lattice models, a time and space discrete formalism,
    to calculate rate of spread for scalar and matrix population models. I derive formulae
    for the wave speed for constant and stochastic environments for coupled map lattices.
    I then apply these to scentless chamomile, an invasive weed distributed all across
    North America. The methods for calculation of net reproductive rate and generation
    time, and formulae for rate of spread in coupled map lattices, are new to biological
    invasions and biological control.

  • Graduation date
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Biology and Ecology
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.