Sturgeon Watershed Riparian Area Assessment
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
Riparian lands have substantial ecological, economic, and social value. The effective management of these habitats is a critical component in maintaining watershed health. However, because previous efforts to survey and assess riparian areas have focused on small-to-medium scales, the extent and condition of the majority of riparian areas in the province of Alberta is largely unknown. The North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance, recognizing the importance of developing a geospatial method to assess riparian areas at large spatial extents, commissioned Fiera Biological Consulting to develop a remote sensing and GIS approach for inventorying and assessing riparian areas along shorelines in the Sturgeon subwatershed. 1,759 km of shoreline was assessed in the Sturgeon subwatershed, along 17 lakes, 8 named streams, and 53 unnamed streams. This represents approximately 31% of the Sturgeon River watershed shoreline. (As cited on https://www.nswa.ab.ca/)
- Date created
- 2018-07-01
- Subjects / Keywords
- Type of Item
- Report