- Author(s) / Creator(s)
You are looking into the depths of a
colorful ensemble of a limb being
formed. All these millions of cells are
striving every day to help you move
the way you do. This image is the
snapshot of an ongoing limb
developmental process where stemcells
give rise to cartilage cells that go
through a series of developmental
events to eventually form a layered
organized structure known as the
growth plate (red and green
fluorescence). Cells in the distal end of
the growth plate convert into an
actively dividing state (red) before
differentiating into large
“hypertrophic” cells (green) which
eventually form the bone. Numerous
other simultaneous processes are
working in parallel to make this
possible. Any disruption in this highly
complex mechanism, such as a genetic
alteration can lead to various skeletal
disorders ranging from a general
reduction in skeletal size to early fetal
death. Survivors will experience
challenging mobility issues with limited
therapeutic options due to a lack of
understanding of the etiology of such
hereditary skeletal disorders. My work
focuses on exploring the gene
regulatory network of bone
development which will contribute to
effective skeletal abnormality
treatments that will give hope to all
those families who are being
challenged. -
- Date created
- 2020-01-01
- Subjects / Keywords
- Type of Item
- Image