REES ETDs 2024-09-17.pdf

Electronic Theses and Dissertations (Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology)

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • The list of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) in this report as well as the comma-delimited file consist of all those ETDs: Available in digital format; Where department is available in the ETD's description; Found either in: ERA: Education and Research Archive (the University of Alberta Institutional Repository, operated by University of Alberta Library) or Internet Archive University of Alberta Thesis and Dissertation collection; Submitted to the following the Departments of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Rural Economy, and Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology for the University of Alberta, where the current name of the Department is Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Where there is any duplication, we list the ETDs twice, and suggest the use of the Internet Archive version as it will be a higher quality scan and full-text searchable. This list is NOT comprehensive of all theses and dissertation titles originating from the Departments above. This list will be dynamic as the University of Alberta Library completes the digitization and description work necessary to achieve that goal. ERA staff will update this list periodically, with titles added. The most recent date for this list is September 17, 2024. Ultimately, all University of Alberta theses and dissertations will be digitized, placed into Internet Archive and made available electronically, and migrated to ERA with full description. The associated projects are connected, multi-unit, and multi-year endeavours. For more information, contact ERA Help at

  • Date created
  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Type of Item
    Research Material
  • DOI
  • License
    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International